Doran Refuge, 1495m Elevation.

The Refuge

A cocoon in the heart of the Aravis, a real mountain refuge located less than 2 hours walk from Sallanches.

Why visit the Doran Refuge? In an accessible 2h30 mins walk along the Gypaète single track (Or 1h30 mins on the 4×4 track), departing from the city centre of Sallanches, you will lose yourself in the alpine scenery and end up at the foot of the Pointe Percée “Our little Matterhorn”, at no less than 1,495m elevation.


You will receive true hospitality and a high quality culinary experience. We only serve local products. You will taste local traditional meats, the “farcement” often served with nettle soup. There are also more common dishes in Doran, which are made to please all our guests.


It is the perfect place for all levels of experience including those spending their first night in a refuge. The Doran boasts many hikes which start and end at the Refuge. You can even stop off at the neighbouring farm, which produce and sell cheeses on site.


You will meet mountaineers returning from climbing spots like the Tours d’Areu or making their way to the Pointe Percée, as well as families adventuring the Alps.


It is a classic way-point for those on the Tour du Pays du Mont-Blanc.

Video presentation

The story of Doran Refuge

1974. Start of construction of the Doran Refuge

The construction of the refuge began in 1974. André Bottollier-Curtet, AKA Dédé, started tapping into the possibilities offered by this special place. He knew, even back then, of the Doran’s potential…

1999. Purchase by Laurent Bottollier-Curtet

The refuge was then purchased by his nephew, Laurent B-C, in 1999. Laurent was a renowned chef who worked hard to modernise the refuge. A few years later, the place started shaping up to what it is now, an alpine lodge with dormitories carved in wood.

2012. Roselyne Jacquier, Doran’s new owner

Hikers and residents of the valley were rapidly seduced by this little sanctuary at the foot of the Aravis mountains. “We have many regulars, which is impressive considering the refuge is at about 1,500m of elevation. We try our best to nurture and preserve our own modest charm which caters for the locals and passing tourists” explains Roselyne Jacquier, who succeeded Laurent in 2012 as keeper of the refuge.

2021. Current owner and manager of Doran’s refuge: Elodie Piccamiglio

Since 2021, Elodie has taken on the refuge. She has succeeded in striking a balance between innovation and preservation of the refuge’s authenticity and charm. When one visits the Doran Refuge, they feel an experience like some sort of time-travel, but with the benefits of the quality amenities and comfortable lodging.

Un mot de la gardienne
du Refuge

Pourquoi monter au refuge de Doran ? Parce qu’en seulement 2 heures 30 de marche par le sentier du Gypaète (ou 1h30 via le chemin carrossable), vous quittez le centre-ville de Sallanches pour vous retrouver au milieu des alpages, au pied de la Pointe Percée, « notre petit Cervin à nous » à 1 495m d’altitude.


Parce que vous y trouverez une belle table, garnie de produits locaux. On y sert encore aujourd’hui le plat traditionnel de la région, le farcement souvent accompagné d’une soupe aux orties. Il y en a bien sûr pour tous les goûts dans la cuisine du refuge de Doran, notre carte contentera chacun des membres de la famille.

Élodie Piccamiglio

Gardienne du Refuge de Doran

Press releases

The whole team at the Doran Refuge looks forward to welcoming you with open arms.